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>>>It'll still cost a pretty pennyThe original Huawei Watch cost £300, which seemed pricey at the time for a fairly limited Android Wear 1.0 watch. >>>It'll be strangely familiar (on the inside)So far the rumours have pointed towards almost identical specs to original Huawei Watch, with 512MB RAM, 4GB storage and a 1.4in screen with 400x400 display. We'll be over at MWC, so if you're after a fancy new Android Wear watch or dual-camera smartphone, make sure you're back here for Huawei's double hit of news. >>>It will have SIM card slotOne of the Huawei Watch 2's leaked images shows a slot for a nanoSIM card. All seem to have the same design with different straps, so it's possible that the images are merely showing the variety of straps available.
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collected by :Andro Alex
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