"sdxcentral" declare : Huawei Unveils its New Cloud Application Platform

Huawei has launched its new CloudApp Platform to help users quickly develop new apps and integrate them onto the platform using application program interfaces (APIs). By integrating with system partners and application partners, the platform provides unified scheduling and integration of various applications and data. For example, one of the first use cases that Huawei is highlighting with this release focuses on the education industry. Huawei is teaming with industry partners to build more mobile apps in the education, sales, and finance industries. The Huawei CloupApp Platform can be installed on mobile devices.

referring to Huawei is evolving its cloud business by investing in a public cloud platform. Plus, just last week European cloud hosting provider OVH announced it was buying VMware's vCloud Air business as part of the expansion of its cloud business. In January China Mobile announced it had deployed nearly 2,000 public cloud servers at two existing data centers in Beijing and Guangzhou. Huawei's Not AloneOf course Huawei isn't the only company looking to take market share away from the big public cloud providers. This isn't the first time Huawei has talked about the public cloud.

Huawei Turns Focus to Public Cloud Platform
referring to

China's Huawei Targets Amazon, Alibaba in Cloud Push

China's Huawei Will Take on Amazon, Alibaba With New Cloud ServicesChinese telecoms equipment and smartphone maker Huawei Technologies on Tuesday said it aims to compete with Amazon.com and Alibaba Group as a global provider of public cloud services. Public cloud services involve shared data infrastructure, rather than dedicated infrastructure built for single customers. In China, its biggest rival in public cloud services would be Alibaba Cloud, while the latest market entrant is conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group in partnership with International Business Machines ( ibm ) . Huawei earlier said it expects its cloud computing revenue to reach 10 billion yuan by 2020. Huawei's comments come after the Ministry of Industrial and Information Technology on Monday published a Cloud Computing Development Three-Year Action Plan.

China's Huawei Targets Amazon, Alibaba in Cloud Push

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collected by :Andro Alex

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