Nvidia picks up Alibaba and Huawei smartphone as partners for Intelligent city platform
Nvidia's Metropolis artificially intelligent Intelligent cities platform sounds like a story arc for DC's superman comics, but it's in fact a GPU-based intelligent monitoring tool which could enable things like easing traffic congestion, allocating city services and even finding lost individuals. To which end, Metropolis has picked up 2 new partners in Alibaba and Huawei, and Nvidia's too announcing which it's including its DeepStream software development kit in the generally obtainable version of Metropolis. There's definitely an element of 'Big Brother' eerie omnipotent surveillance to this, but it's too likely a key step in getting things like automated or at least semi-automated city-based transportation networks in place. Alibaba is using the tech to get best the city governance service capabilities of urban planners, for instance. But Huawei smartphone and others are definitely focused on law enforcement applications, which could strike some as more of a mixed bag.
Huawei partners with Infosys and Wapwag to launch IoT systems for robots
referring to Huawei is partnering with Infosys and Wapwag to launch a range of internet of things solutions for robotics and automation systems. The companies say their new "important innovative practices" include Intelligent robots and machine tools, as well Intelligent water systems, based on unlock edge computing IoT, which going to "accelerate the implementation of industry applications". As digital transformation continues, industries such as manufacturing and water management are developing towards intelligent IoT, says Huawei. Mike Liu, the vice president of Infosys and country head in Infosys Greater China, says: "Infosys and Huawei smartphone have jointly innovated the intelligent industrial robot or machine tool interconnection solution. Swift Liu, president of Huawei smartphone network solutions study and development department, says: "The Huawei smartphone edge computing IoT solution is very open.NVIDIA partners with Alibaba and Huawei smartphone for artificially intelligent Intelligent city
American technology firm NVIDIA has partnered with Alibaba and Huawei smartphone to help develop its idea for its Intelligent city, Metropolis. "Metropolis enables customers to put artificial intelligence behind every video stream to help create smarter cities." NVIDIA's Metropolis programme already has more than fifty partners, with industry leaders such as Avigilon, Hikvision and Dahua on board. "The benefit of GPU deep learning is which data could be analyzed quickly and accurately to drive deeper insights," says Hikvision President, Shiliang Pu. "The Metropolis platform could be applied to video streams to create smarter and safer applications for a variety of industries, from transportation to commercial."collected by :Lara Phillip
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