Chinese conglomerate Huawei smartphone says last 7 days which the duo of rear camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro could take great pictures. DxO liked the camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro very much, it gave it an overall score of 97 in its popular benchmarking test. Last week, DxO published a comprehensive show of the camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro, surprising many the time it says the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro has received a score of 100 for its photo performance. The Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro offers "good aim exposure and wide dynamic range," and the camera sensors are "very fast and [provide] repeatable autofocus," the firm wrote. To put things in perspective, the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus have a DxO check score of 94, whereas the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 received a score of 94.
Huawei Mate 10 Pro, With DxO check Score of 97, says to Take best Pictures Than iPhone 8 Plus
collected by :Lara Phillip
Chinese conglomerate Huawei smartphone says last 7 days which the duo of rear camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro could take great pictures. DxO liked the camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro very much, it gave it an overall score of 97 in its popular benchmarking test. Last week, DxO published a comprehensive show of the camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro, surprising many the time it says the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro has received a score of 100 for its photo performance. The Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro offers "good aim exposure and wide dynamic range," and the camera sensors are "very fast and [provide] repeatable autofocus," the firm wrote. To put things in perspective, the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus have a DxO check score of 94, whereas the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 received a score of 94.
Chinese conglomerate Huawei smartphone says last 7 days which the duo of rear camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro could take great pictures. DxO liked the camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro very much, it gave it an overall score of 97 in its popular benchmarking test. Last week, DxO published a comprehensive show of the camera sensors on the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro, surprising many the time it says the Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro has received a score of 100 for its photo performance. The Huawei smartphone Mate 10 Pro offers "good aim exposure and wide dynamic range," and the camera sensors are "very fast and [provide] repeatable autofocus," the firm wrote. To put things in perspective, the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus have a DxO check score of 94, whereas the Samsung Galaxy Note 8 received a score of 94.
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