Nokia strikes patent deal with Huawei

as declared in BusinessNokia heeft een meerjarige patentdeal met het Chinese Huawei smartphone gesloten. Nokia krijgt dit kwartaal al omzet uit de deal en ontvangt ook een terugbetaling. Het is de laatste grote deal die Nokia smartphone moest sluiten om met alle grote smartphonefabrikanten afspraken te hebben. Nokia-patentenPatenten van Nokia smartphone beslaan onder meer hardwarecomponenten in smartphones, manieren om de batterijduur van smartphones te verlengen en verbeteringen rond de radio-ontvangst. Meer dan negentig procent van de inkomsten van Nokia smartphone komen voort uit dit soort patenten en dan vooral rond netwerktechnologie.

Nokia strikes patent deal with Huawei

Nokia, the Finnish multinational communications, data technology and consumer electronics company, says Thursday it had signed a multi-year smartphone patent license deal with China's Huawei, completing its list of agreements with the world's largest handset makers. Details of the deal are confidential but Nokia smartphone going to disclose its total patent licensing revenue in its quarterly financial reports, it said. Analysts are of the opinion which the patent licensing deal with Huawei smartphone is going to be a huge positive for Nokia smartphone considering which it is facing tough competition in its network market. Early past year Nokia smartphone struck a patent licensing deal with Samsung on terms which disappointed its investors. In October, Nokia smartphone shares lost almost a fifth of their price after the firm announced a sharp drop in network earnings, citing weak market and internal problems.

Nokia strikes patent deal with Huawei

Nokia en Huawei smartphone sluiten patentovereenkomst

referring to Nokia heeft een overeenkomst gesloten met Huawei. In een persbericht over de overeenkomst noemt Nokia smartphone het Chineze bedrijf 'één van de grootste smartphonemakers ter wereld'. Dat impliceert dat het gaat om patenten voor mobiele apparaten. Nokia haalt nog steeds omzet binnen uit 'oude' patenten voor mobiele telefoons. De Finnen beschuldigden het Amerikaanse concern van het schenden van zeven patenten.

Huawei gives Nokia smartphone complete hand of smartphone patent deals

Nokia has signed a multiyear smartphone patent licence deal with China's Huawei smartphone – its arch rival in the networks business – giving it royalty agreements with all of the world's largest handset makers. Nokia has recently struck licensing deals with handset makers including Apple, Samsung Electronics, LG and Xiaomi. Huawei is the biggest maker of telecoms equipment with revenue and the world's third largest maker of smartphones. Early last year Nokia smartphone struck a patent licensing deal with Samsung on terms which disappointed its investors. But earlier this year it signed a broad cross licensing deal with Apple, which was seen as favourable to Nokia.

Huawei gives Nokia full hand of smartphone patent deals

Huawei gaat Nokia smartphone betalen voor licenties

collected by :Lara Phillip

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