Huawei's Honor 9 Lite is all set to arrive on Indian shores on January 17 and go up for sale only via Flipkart. The minimal-bezel handset initially came out in China back in December 2017 and has 4 cameras in all. Flipkart has put up a dedicated page for the Honor 9 Lite detailing all its specs, but hasn't given away the price yet. The most attention-seeking aspect of the Huawei smartphone smartphone is its 13MP + 2MP setup at both the back and front. The other big highlight of the Honor 9 Lite is its 5.65-inch FHD+ display which hops on the 18:9 aspect ratio trend.
Huawei Honor 9 Lite set to chock India on January 17
collected by :Lara Phillip
Huawei's Honor 9 Lite is all set to arrive on Indian shores on January 17 and go up for sale only via Flipkart. The minimal-bezel handset initially came out in China back in December 2017 and has 4 cameras in all. Flipkart has put up a dedicated page for the Honor 9 Lite detailing all its specs, but hasn't given away the price yet. The most attention-seeking aspect of the Huawei smartphone smartphone is its 13MP + 2MP setup at both the back and front. The other big highlight of the Honor 9 Lite is its 5.65-inch FHD+ display which hops on the 18:9 aspect ratio trend.
Huawei's Honor 9 Lite is all set to arrive on Indian shores on January 17 and go up for sale only via Flipkart. The minimal-bezel handset initially came out in China back in December 2017 and has 4 cameras in all. Flipkart has put up a dedicated page for the Honor 9 Lite detailing all its specs, but hasn't given away the price yet. The most attention-seeking aspect of the Huawei smartphone smartphone is its 13MP + 2MP setup at both the back and front. The other big highlight of the Honor 9 Lite is its 5.65-inch FHD+ display which hops on the 18:9 aspect ratio trend.
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