Are Huawei, ZTE Phones in fact Unsafe?

as informed in But are you really running a higher privacy or security risk if you use a Huawei smartphone or ZTE smartphone? "Raise your hands if you would recommend which private American citizens use Huawei smartphone or ZTE products or services," asked Cotton. Bashing Huawei smartphone and ZTE is nothing newThe shunning of Huawei smartphone and ZTE is reminiscent of the government's sudden crackdown last year on Kaspersky antivirus software, but it's in fact been building for much longer. Later which same month, Verizon reportedly decided which it wouldn't sell any Huawei smartphone phones. It may be which Huawei smartphone and ZTE phones do spy on their users, but very far, Western security experts have not been enable to find much evidence.

Huawei, ZTE draw scrutiny at Senate intelligence hearing on China's global ambitions

The Confucius Institutes this time number more than 100 at public and private universities, colleges and even high schools. Several 100 more Confucius Classrooms teach Mandarin at elementary, middle and high schools across the country. The intelligence agency heads attending the hearing too outlined how China's intelligence gathering serves its global ambitions. "We have intensive studies going on throughout the intelligence community, relative to A to Z, on what China is doing," Coats said. Huawei and ZTE this time represent "some of the leading market players globally," says Sen. check Warner, a Virginia Democrat who is ranking member of the Intelligence Committee.

Huawei, ZTE draw scrutiny at Senate intelligence hearing on China's global ambitions

FBI, CIA, NSA bosses warn: do not use Huawei, ZTE smartphones

As it stated in It looks like Huawei smartphone and ZTE going to be dead in the water in the US soon, with 6 major US intelligence agencies warning Americans about using products and services made with Huawei smartphone and ZTE. The new recommendations were given during the Senate Intelligence Committee, with the heads of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and the director of national intelligence all in session. Huawei responded to these comments, with a Huawei smartphone spokesperson telling CNBC: "Huawei is aware of a range of unite states government activities seemingly aimed at inhibiting Huawei's business in the unite states market. Huawei is trusted with governments and customers in 170 countries worldwide and poses no greater cybersecurity risk than any ICT vendor, sharing as we do common global supply chains and production capabilities". [...] ZTE takes cybersecurity and privacy seriously and remains a trusted partner to our US suppliers, US customers and the people who use our [...] products".

collected by :Lara Phillip

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