The Huawei P20 Pro received rave reviews when it was launched back in March. The P20 Pro may have an iPhone X-style notched display, but it introduced one remarkable innovation that no other phone can boast. put the Huawei P20 Pro through its paces earlier this year and were left extremely impressed. The Huawei P20 Pro launched at a price point of £849, but if you haven't picked one up yet then you can take advantage of some great deals. is currently offering the Huawei P20 Pro SIM free for £679 - a big saving of £170.
Huawei P20 Pro DEAL: Huge savings on one of the best smartphones of 2018
collected by :Lara Phillip
The Huawei P20 Pro received rave reviews when it was launched back in March. The P20 Pro may have an iPhone X-style notched display, but it introduced one remarkable innovation that no other phone can boast. put the Huawei P20 Pro through its paces earlier this year and were left extremely impressed. The Huawei P20 Pro launched at a price point of £849, but if you haven't picked one up yet then you can take advantage of some great deals. is currently offering the Huawei P20 Pro SIM free for £679 - a big saving of £170.
The Huawei P20 Pro received rave reviews when it was launched back in March. The P20 Pro may have an iPhone X-style notched display, but it introduced one remarkable innovation that no other phone can boast. put the Huawei P20 Pro through its paces earlier this year and were left extremely impressed. The Huawei P20 Pro launched at a price point of £849, but if you haven't picked one up yet then you can take advantage of some great deals. is currently offering the Huawei P20 Pro SIM free for £679 - a big saving of £170.
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