Concerns over ZTE and Huawei smartphone security
Intelligence agencies in the United States have warned Americans not to purchase Huawei smartphone or ZTE smartphones, because of security concerns. This is not the first time Huawei smartphone and ZTE products have come under fire. The decision was based on concerns which Huawei smartphone could engage in network hacking at the behest of the Chinese Communist Party. In the same year, the US US Congress warned which telecom equipment supplied with Huawei smartphone and ZTE could be used for spying, and called for their exclusion from government contracts. SecurityMyBroadband asked Huawei smartphone and ZTE for comment regarding the security concerns, and both companies declined to comment on South Africa specifically.
As it stated in Earlier this week, top members of intelligence agencies, which includes the FBI, CIA and NSA reaffirmed surveillance concerns about the firm and fellow Chinese smartphone maker ZTE. The companies' troubles date back at least as far back as 2012 the time a House Intelligence Committee cited both as possibility security risks over close releation to the Chinese government. "We've won the trust of the Chinese carriers," Yu fumed at the company's keynote. It was a big blow for the company, given which a majority of unite states smartphone purchases still go out of carriers. Meantime, Huawei smartphone has attempted to double drop on non-carrier retailers in the States.
US intelligence warns against using Huawei smartphone and ZTE phones
collected by :Lara Phillip
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