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Lara Phillip But Ms Harvey said the briefing had not dispelled the "grave concerns" held by the opposition over the security implications of the contract. Acting Opposition Leader Liza Harvey wants more information about advice given to the state government by Commonwealth security agencies about a $136 telecommunications contract. "What we don't know is how restrictive the Huawei contract is and whether, if an Australian company had been used, there might be a wider use for that system. "The outcome of this contract does not affect the outcome of future contracts – in particular the successful consortium for this contract will not be advantaged in the tenders for any future contract." The McGowan Government was criticised after it dismissed national security concerns over the Huawei deal in June.
UK security officials warn of 'new risks' from Huawei
Top UK security officials say they can only provide "limited assurance" that telecom equipment provided by Huawei poses no threat to national security. The Huawei Cyber Security Evaluation Centre was established in 2010 to mitigate risks arising from Huawei's involvement in UK national security infrastructure. It is chaired by Ciaran Martin, the CEO of the UK National Cyber Security Centre. A spokesperson for the National Cyber Security Centre said Thursday that it was "fully committed to the oversight arrangements" regarding Huawei. The National Cyber Security Centre is part of Britain's Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) spy agency.
UK criticises security of Huawei products
As it stated in The body is overseen by UK security officials, including ones from spy agency GCHQ. "[It was] identified that not all components are managed through this process and, in particular, security critical third-party software used in a variety of products was not subject to sufficient control," it said. The news comes as the US steps up efforts to ban Huawei's equipment from its country's networks. The previous three concluded that any risks posed by the firm to the UK's national security "had been mitigated". "If the UK cannot be totally confident in the assuring the security of any equipment it should not be placed in our critical infrastructure."
Chinese telco Huawei lobbies hard to allay Australia's security concerns
SYDNEY (Reuters) - Chinese telecom firm Huawei Technologies Co Ltd's [HWL.UL] network equipment is "safe and secure", its Australian chairman said on Wednesday, ramping up the company's public lobbying against concerns that its links to China pose a security risk. The spat between Huawei and Australia's security agencies lands amid a low in Sino-Australian relations and intense concern at Chinese influence in Australian politics. Huawei, whose chairman Lord, was a former Rear Admiral in Australia's Navy, emerged on Tuesday as the top corporate sponsor of international trips by Australian federal politicians. ADVERTISEMENTHuawei, the world's largest maker of telecommunications network equipment and the No. 3 smartphone supplier, has already been virtually shut out from the giant U.S. market because of national security concerns.
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